TECC 2019TECC2019(English)
- TECC 2019
- English
Welcome to TECC2019
The purpose of Tokyo Endovascular Challenging Conference (TECC) TECC is the new style conference in order to enlighten adequate endovascular knowledge and skills through WEB LIVE demonstration. Endovascular technique and devices make progress day by day, so easy to access meeting is crucial. We use open WEB platform to reach not only Japanese doctors but worldwide endovascular specialists, especially Asian doctors. Two main purposes of TECC are our further close communications and sharing endovascular technique and information.
Kenji Suzuki, M.D.(Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital)
Makoto Utsunomiya, M.D.(Toho University Ohashi Medical Center)
Tatsuya Nakama, M.D.(Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center)
Web Live demonstration Overview
Name: Tokyo Endovascular Challenging Conference 2019
Date:December 21, 2019
Venue: own devise (Internet connection available)
Live-institution: Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center
Registration Fee
Doctors: 2,000JPY
Co-medical: 1,000JPY
Company Related: 2,000JPY
Registration(web only)
If you have not registered for e-casebook, please register in advance.