- 臨床研究
1-Year Outcomes of Thromboendarterectomy vs Endovascular Therapy for Common Femoral Artery Lesions: CAULIFLOWER Study Results
Nakama, et al. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2022 Jul 25;15(14):1453-1463.
Retrospective Multicenter Comparison Between Viabahn Covered Stent-Grafts and Supera Interwoven Nitinol Stents for Endovascular Treatment in Severely Calcified Femoropopliteal Artery Disease: The ARMADILLO Study (Adjusted Retrospective coMparison of scAffolDs In caLcified LesiOns)
Horie, et al J EndovascTher. 2022Sep22; 15266028221124727. doi:10.1177/15266028221124727.
Clinical outcome of drug‑coated balloons in patients with femoropopliteal chronic total occlusive lesions: results from the multicenter EAGLE study
Hayakawa et al. CVIR Endovascular (2022) 5:51https://doi.org/10.1186/s42155-022-00329-8
Impact of Postoperative Lumen Gain on the Reduction of Restenosis Risk after Endovascular Treatment Using Drug-coated Balloon for Femoropopliteal Lesions Assessed by Intravascular Ultrasound (DOLPHIN)
Horie, et al. JAT in press
Result from BEASTARS: Band of EAST Japan Angioplasty Retrospective Study
Nakama, et al. LBCT@JET2022
Stent sub-analysis from the CAULIFLOWER registry
Iwata, et al. Latest data@JET2022
CHEETAH registry: ステント再狭窄病変に対するNEW DEVICEの治療成績
Suzuki, et al. LBCT@CVIT2022
Mori, et al. LBCT@CVIT2022
Retrospective Multicenter Registry for Endovascular Treatment in over 25-cm Femoropopliteal Artery Disease”
Horie, et al. 第50回 日本血管外科学会学術総会